Wf4Ever Research Object Model 1.0

Wf4Ever Specification 30 November 2013

Latest version:
This version:
Previous version:
Stian Soiland-Reyes, University of Manchester
Sean Bechhofer, University of Manchester
Khalid Belhajjame, University of Manchester
Graham Klyne, University of Oxford
Daniel Garijo, UPM
Oscar Corcho, UPM
Esteban García Cuesta, iSOCO
Raul Palma, PSNC


Wf4Ever Specification


The Wf4Ever Research Object Model provides a vocabulary for the description of workflow-centric Research Objects: aggregations of resources relating to scientific workflows.

Status of This Document

This document is a specification from the wf4ever project. It does not represent the support or consensus of any standards organisation.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

Scientific workflows are used to describe series of structured activities and computations that arise in scientific problem-solving, providing scientists from virtually any discipline with a means to specify and enact their experiments. From a computational perspective, such experiments (workflows) can be defined as directed acyclic graphs where the nodes correspond to analysis operations, which can be supplied locally or by third party web services, and where the edges specify the flow of data between those operations.

Besides being useful to describe and execute computations, workflows also allow encoding of scientific methods and know-how. Hence they are valuable objects from a scholarly point of view, for several reasons: (i) to allow assessment of the reproducability of results; (ii) to be reused by the same or by a different scientist; (iii) to be repurposed for other goals than those for which it was originally built; (iv) to validate the method that led to a new scientific insight; (v) to serve as live-tutorials, exposing how to take advantage of existing data infrastructure, etc. This follows a trend that can be observed in disciplines such as Biology and Astronomy, with other types of objects, such as databases, increasingly becoming part of the research outcomes of an individual or a group, and hence also being shared, cited, reused, versioned, etc.

Challenges for the preservation of scientific workflows in data intensive science, include: (a) the consideration of complex digital objects that comprise both their static and dynamic aspects, including workflow models, the provenance of their executions, and interconnections between workflows and related resources, (b) the provision of access, manipulation, sharing, reuse and evolution functions to these complex digital objects, (c) integral lifecycle management functions for workflows and their associated materials.

Thus the use of workflow specifications on their own does not guarantee to support reusability, shareability, reproducibility, or better understanding of scientific methods. Workflow environment tools evolve across the years, or they may even disappear. The services and tools used by the workflow may change or evolve too. Finally, the data used by the workflow may be updated or no longer available. To overcome these issues, additional information may be needed. This includes annotations to describe the operations performed by the workflow; annotations to provide details like authors, versions, citations, etc.; links to other resources, such as the provenance of the results obtained by executing the workflow, datasets used as input, etc.. Such additional annotations enable a comprehensive view of the experiment, and encourage inspection of the different elements of that experiment, providing the scientist with a picture of the strengths and weaknesses of the digital experiment in relation to decay, adaptability, stability, etc.

These richly annotation objects are what we call workflow-centric Research Objects. The notion of Research Object (as discussed in [BECHHOFER11]) is a general idea that aims to extend traditional publication mechanisms and take us "beyond the pdf" [FORCE11]]. An RO is an aggregation of resources along with annotations on those resources. The aggregation itself may also be annotated, where by annotation, we mean the association of arbitrary additional information with a resource. The Research Object thus collects together relevant resources along with annotations that enable the understanding, reuse etc. of its constituent parts. In a workflow-centric Reearch Object describing an investigation for example, annotations could describe how data sources have been used or how intermediate results were derived. Executable papers [EXEC] similarly aim to support validation, exploration and interaction in publication in order to support validation. Hunter [HUNTER06] proposes the notion of Scientific Publication Packages (SPP) to describe "the selective encapsulation of raw data, derived products, algorithms, software and textual publications". SPPs are motivated primarily by the need to create archives for the variety of artifacts produced during the course of a scientific investigation; they ideally contain data, methods, software and documents, but also their provenance as well.

1.1 Scope of Wf4Ever Research Objects

The focus of Wf4Ever is on workflow preservation (and more specifically workflows supporting scientific investigation). Thus the objects that will be described using the model are inherently workflow-centric. Although the basic infrastructure (aggregation + annotation + domain vocabularies) that the RO model supports is applicable to many situations (for example the executable or enhanced publication of [FORCE11]), the specific vocabularies defined within the Wf4Ever RO model are intended to support those Research Objects that have workflows (methods) as their primary content.

The intention is that a Wf4Ever Research Object will aggregate information about a workflow (or collection of workflows) possibly including details of its execution trace, the data items consumed or produced by the workflow, plus provenance information about the lineage of the workflow, data items or the aggregation itself. This intention is that this information will support reproducability of the workflows, reuse of the components and, perhaps most importantly will facilitate subsequent understanding of the investigation that the workflow is intended to support. The support of "full-fat" reproducability in terms of re-execution of a process in order to produce identical results is problematic, particularly when operating in a distributed, web-service based ecosystem.

1.2 Scope of this document

This particular document describes the vocabularies that describe Workflow-centric Research Objects within Wf4ever. A complete, functional RO based ecosystem will require a number of different services for creation, storage, manipulation, recommendation, visualisation etc. of Research Objects. These services are not considered here. Nor do we discuss vocabularies or mechanisms that support Research Object evolution.

This document describes the v0.1 release of the ontologies.

1.3 Technical and Social Objects

Research Objects play multiple roles. In the first case, they are technical objects. They provide access to the resources that are needed to support execution of investigations and record the provenance traces of those executions. They encapsulate dependencies between resources and maintain versioning information about the lineage and evolution of those resources.

At the same time, they are social objects. They encapsulate reusable protocols and know-how. They record best practices and support reproducability. They are citable artifacts that can be referred to and quoted. They record and represent information about the people involved in investigations -- those who create, use, extend and curate the objects.

These roles bring requirements on the representation structure and vocabularies used to describe Research Objects. This specification focuses on the technical aspects and describes the core Wf4Ever Research Object vocabularies that provide container structures and vocabulary for describing workflow objects. Additional vocabularies covering evolution, lifecycle, versioning and other social aspects will be covered elsewhere.

1.4 Overall Model Organisation

Research Object = Aggregation + Annotation + RO Vocabularies

The Wf4Ever Research Object model consists of a suite of ontologies or vocabularies that are used to describe workflow-centric ROs. The key ontologies provided are:

Provides basic structure for the description of aggregated resources and the annotations that are made on those resources.

A vocabulary for the description of workflows. This provides an abstraction that can be mapped to different particular workflow systems.

A vocabulary for the description of provenance information. This provides an abstraction that can be mapped to different provenance vocabularies.

The RO Model uses two existing vocabularies to provide aggregation and annotation functionality. Object Reuse and Exchange [ORE] is used for specifying aggregation of resources and the Annotation Ontology [AO] is used to represent annotations.

Each of these ontologies are described in more detail below.

2. Research Object Vocabularies

2.1 Research object (ro)

A research object aggregates a number of resources that are used and/or produced in a given scientific investigation. This aggregation supports access to those collected resources – or at least access to the identification of those resources. The resources aggregated in an RO can be distributed, thus a particular user may be allowed to see the metadata associated with a resource without necessarily having access to its content. For example, dereferencing a URI which is aggregated in a Research Object may require further authentication. A research object allows for annotation of the resources aggregated in it, where by annotation we mean the general notion of decorating a resource with some additional, arbitrary information (@@NOTE: the usage of the word "aggregated" to describe the collecting of resources in the RO rather than "contained"). The aggregation provides a container within which these annotations can be asserted, allowing for the capture of context and provenance concerning those relations and annotations. Such context is needed to support, for example, measures of trust of quality.

The aggregated resources of an RO could include workflow descriptions, workflow runs, artifacts, etc. The figure below illustrates a research object described using a manifest. It also illustrates the specific class of research object named workflow research object, which refers to research objects that contain at least one workflow description.

The research object is described in the ro ontology under the namespace

This ontology extends the OAI-ORE ontology.



ro:AggregatedAnnotationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An annotation aggregated within an ro:ResearchObject.

Instances of this class are used to annotated resources aggregated within the aggregating research object, proxies of these resources, or the research object itself. In other words, if :ro is the ro:ResearchObject this annotation has been ore:isAggregatedBy, then the annotation should have at least one ao:annotatesResource which is an ore:AggregatedResource which is ore:isAggregatedBy :ro, or the annotated resource is an ore:Proxy which ore:proxyIn :ro, or the annotated resource is :ro.

It is possible for the annotation to also annotate non-aggregated resources, but as above, at least one of them needs to be part of the RO or the RO itself.

As a subclass of ro:SemanticAnnotation the ao:body must point to an rdfg:Graph which contains the actual annotation.

has super-classes

ro:Folderc back to ToC or Class ToC


An ro:Folder is a special kind of ore:Aggregation where every ro:AggregatedResource must have a ro:FolderEntry proxy with a unique ro:entryName within that folder.

Note that all resources which are aggregated within an (potentially nested) ro:Folder should also be aggregated by the same ro:ResearchObject this ro:Folder is aggregated within.

Such folders can be nested and (optionally) used to organize the resources of the research object into a file-like structure. All such resources should also be aggregated by the ro:ResearchObject

has super-classes

ro:FolderEntryc back to ToC or Class ToC


An ro:FolderEntry is any ore:Proxy instance that associates a resources aggregated within an ro:Folder with a ro:entryName. This name is (case-sensitive) unique within a given folder.

is equivalent to
has super-classes
  • terms:Proxyc
is in domain of
has keys

ro:Manifestc back to ToC or Class ToC


The ro:Manifest is used to describe an ro:ResearchObject. This identifies the resource for the manifest which lists all the aggregations of the research object, typically called ".ro/manifest.rdf" relative to the research object this manifest ore:describes.

is equivalent to
has super-classes
  • terms:ResourceMapc

ro:ResearchObjectc back to ToC or Class ToC


A research object aggregates a number of resources. A resource can be a workflow, web service, document, data item, data set, workflow run, software or a research object.

is equivalent to
has super-classes
  • terms:Aggregationc
  • terms2:createddpsome xsd:dateTime
  • terms2:creatoropsome foaf:Agentc

ro:Resourcec back to ToC or Class ToC


An ro:Resource is an ore:AggregatedResource which ore:isAggregatedBy an ro:ResearchObject.

This specialisation requires that there exists an ore:Proxy which is ore:proxyFor this resource, and which is ore:proxyIn the same ro:ResearchObject the resource ore:isAggregatedBy. Any annotations on such a proxy will descrive the ro:Resource within that particular ro:ResearchObject, in particular dct:creator and dct:created on the proxy will specify who added the resource to the aggregation at what time.

Note that annotations (ro:AggregatedAnnotation) can be added to both the ro:Resource and the ore:Proxy - depending on if the annotation is seen to be globally true (such as the provenance of how the resource was created) or locally true within the Research Object (such as the the resource playing the role of a wf4ever:Dataset).

Not all resources aggregated by an ro:ResearchObject are ro:Resource instances, in particular ro:AggregatedAnnotations will also be aggregated, but will not be "true" RO resources (and thus don't need their own ore:Proxy).

Aggregated resources may also be organised in (potentially nested) ro:Folders to reflect a file-system like structure. Note that any such resources should also be aggregated in the "mother" ro:ResearchObject.

has super-classes
has sub-classes
is in range of

ro:SemanticAnnotationc back to ToC or Class ToC


An ro:SemanticAnnotation is a specialisation of ao:Annotation which requires that ao:body points to an RDF Graph.

This might be a Named Graph or a resource which can be resolved separately from the URI given by ao:body.

This graph should mention the resources identified by ao:annotatesResource from this annotation, preferably by using their URIs as subject or object of statements.

Note that this use of ao:body is distinct from ao:hasTopic, which also allows the association of a an RDF Graph with an ao:Annotation, but which also implies that this graph is the "topic" (subproperty of bookmark:hasTopic) of the annotated resource. This class does not require this interpretation, it is merely enough that the annotation body mentions the annotated resource, for instance to give it a dc:title or to relate two annotated resources. Also note that the next version of the AO ontology (v2) might change this definition of ao:hasTopic, removing the need for this class.

has super-classes
  • ao:Annotationc
  • ao:bodyoponly rdfg-1:Graphc
has sub-classes

Data Properties

Data Properties

ro:entryNamedp back to ToC or Data Property ToC


This functional property specifies the name of a ro:FolderEntry within an ro:Folder.

This name must be case-sensitively unique within the ro:Folder, similar to a filename in a directory.

TODO: Need a functional property to specify the top level folder structure of an {{ro:ResearchObject}}?

has characteristics: functional

has domain
has range
  • xsd:string

Object Properties

Object Properties

ro:annotatesAggregatedResourceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


ro:annotatesAggregatedResource specifies that an ao:Annotation annotates an aggregated ro:Resource.

When used on an ro:AggregatedAnnotation, both the domain and range of this property must ore:isAggregatedBy the same ro:ResearchObject.

TODO: Should also ro:ResearchObject and ore:Proxy be in the range of this property, or is this subproperty even needed?

has super-properties
  • ao:annotatesResourceop
has domain
  • ao:Annotationc
has range

2.2 Workflow definition (wfdesc)

Workflow descriptions can be made using the wfdesc ontology under the namespace

The wfdesc ontology describes an abstract workflow description structure, which on the top level is defined as a wfdesc:Workflow.

A wfdesc:Workflow contains several wfdesc:Process instances, associated using the wfdesc:hasSubProcess property. Each of these (and the workflow itself) wfdesc:hasInput and wfdesc:hasOutput some wfdesc:Parameter (wfdesc:Input or wfdesc:Output). An wfdesc:Artifact is associated with a wfdesc:Parameter using wfdesc:hasArtifact. The wfdesc:Workflow also wfdesc:hasDataLink several wfdesc:DataLink instances, which forms the connection between parameters. Thus this ontology allows the description a direct acyclic graph, or a dataflow.

This ontology is meant as an upper ontology for more specific workflow definitions, and as a way to express abstract workflows, which could either be hand-crafted by users ("ideal workflow description") or extracted from workflow definitions of existing workflow systems, like Taverna's .t2flow and Scufl2 formats.

The wfprov ontology shows how to link these workflow descriptions to a provenance trace of a workflow execution.



wfdesc:Artifactc back to ToC or Class ToC


wfdesc:Artifact is used to provide information about a class of artifacts. For example, it can be used to specify the datatype of a dataset or the structure of a document.

An wfdesc:Artifact is associated with a wfdesc:Parameter using wfdesc:hasArtifact.

The distinction between a parameter and artifact is that the parameter can be customized to describe the particular role the artifact plays with regards to the process (and can be linked using wfdesc:DataLink) - while the wfdesc:Artifact can describe the syntactic and semantic datatype.

is in range of

wfdesc:DataLinkc back to ToC or Class ToC


wfdesc:DataLink is used to represent data dependencies between process templates. It means that the artifact generated at an wfdesc:Output (identified using wfdesc:hasSource) will be used by a wfdescInput (identified using wfdesc:hasSink).

The wfdesc:Processes that owns the wfdesc:Parameter instances which are the source and sink of a wfdesc:DataLink must be wfdesc:hasSubProcess of a the same wfdesc:Workflow which wfdesc:hasDataLink the data link, or be be parameters of that same workflow.

Thus links can only be made within a wfdesc:Workflow - although ports owned by the workflow itself appear both inside and outside the workflow (in opposite roles).

is in domain of
wfdesc:hasSinkop, wfdesc:hasSourceop
is in range of

wfdesc:Inputc back to ToC or Class ToC


wfdesc:Input represents an input parameter to a wfdesc:Process. This can be compared to a function parameter, command line argument, files read, or parameter set by a user interface.

It is out of scope of wfdesc to define the nature or classification of the parameter, such as giving it a name, position or data type. This can be done with subclasses and/or subproperties.

has super-classes
is in range of
wfdesc:hasInputop, wfdesc:hasSinkop

wfdesc:Outputc back to ToC or Class ToC


wfdesc:Output represents an output parameter from a wfdesc:Process. This can be compared to functional return values, stdout/stdin, files written, or results shown in a user interface.

It is out of scope of wfdesc to define the nature or classification of the parameter, such as giving it a name, position or data type. This can be done with subclasses and/or subproperties.

has super-classes
is in range of
wfdesc:hasOutputop, wfdesc:hasSourceop

wfdesc:Parameterc back to ToC or Class ToC


This class represent a parameter of a process template. A wfdesc:Parameter must be a wfdesc:Input, a wfdesc:Output, or both.

A parameter is both an wfdesc:Input and wfdesc:Output when it is used on both sides of a subworkflow - see wfdesc:Workflow and wfdesc:DataLink for details.

is equivalent to
has sub-classes
wfdesc:Inputc, wfdesc:Outputc
is in domain of

wfdesc:Processc back to ToC or Class ToC


A wfdesc:Process is used to describe a class of actions that when enacted give rise to processes. A process can have 0 or more wfdesc:Parameter instances associated using wfdesc:hasInput and wfdesc:hasOutput, signifying what kind of parameters the process will require and return.

It is out of scope for wfdesc to classify or specify the nature of the process, this should be done by subclassing and additional subproperties, for instance ex:perlScript or ex:restServiceURI

has sub-classes
is in domain of
wfdesc:hasInputop, wfdesc:hasOutputop
is in range of

wfdesc:Workflowc back to ToC or Class ToC


A wfdesc:Workflow is a directed graph in which the nodes are wfdesc:Process instances and the edges (wfdesc:DataLink instances) represent data dependencies between the constituent process templates.

A wfdesc:Workflow defines associated wfdesc:Process using hasProcessTemplate. A specialisation of this property is hasSubWorkflowTemplate, signifying that the process is a WorkflowTemplate itself, which is further described in a similar fashion.

As a subclass of wfdesc:Process a wfdesc:Workflow can also define wfdesc:hasInput/wfdesc:hasOutput parameters - these would be inputs taken at workflow execution time, and final outputs of the workflow. (Note: Not all dataflow systems have this concept of workflow parameters)

wfdesc:Parameter instances are linked using wfdesc:DataLink instances associated with the wfdesc:Workflow using wfdesc:hasDataLink.

A wfdesc:Parameter defined with wfdesc:hasInput on a wfdesc:Workflow is considered an wfdesc:Input "outside" the workflow template (ie. if it is a subworkflow), but an wfdesc:Output "inside" the workflow template (where it can be connected to a wfdesc:Input of a wfdesc:Process). Thus such parameters can be linked "through" the workflow template without having a "mirrored" port inside.



@prefix wfdesc: <> .

:outerWorkflow a wfdesc:Workflow ;

wfdesc:hasSubWorkflow :innerWorkflow ;

wfdesc:hasSubProcess :procA, :procC .

:procA a wfdesc:Process ;

wfdesc:hasOutput :param1 .

:procC a wfdesc:Process ;

wfdesc:hasInput :param2 ;

wfdesc:hasOutput :param3 .

:innerWorkflow a wfdesc:Workflow ;

wfdesc:hasInput :param4 ;

wfdesc:hasOutput :param5 ;

wfdesc:hasProcess :procB .

:procB a wfdesc:Process ;

wfdesc:hasInput :param6 ;

wfdesc:hasOutput :param7 .

:innerWorkflow wfdesc:hasDataLink

[ wfdesc:hasSource :param4; wfdesc:hasSink :param6 ],

[ wfdesc:hasSource :param7; wfdesc:hasSink :param5 ] .

:outerWorkflow wfdesc:hasDataLink

[ wfdesc:hasSource :param1; wfdesc:hasSink :param4 ],

[ wfdesc:hasSource :param5; wfdesc:hasSink :param2 ] .


In this example :param1 is the output of :procA. :param1 is the source in a datalink that goes to the input :param4 of the :innerWorkflow. :param4 is however also the source of an inner datalink, going to input :param6 of the nested :procB.

From this :param4 is both an wfdesc:Input and wfdesc:Output (which is why these two classes are not disjoint)

has super-classes
has sub-classes
is in domain of
wfdesc:hasDataLinkop, wfdesc:hasSubProcessop, wfdesc:hasSubWorkflowop
is in range of

wfdesc:WorkflowInstancec back to ToC or Class ToC


A wfdesc:WorkflowInstance is a specialisation of a wfdesc:Workflow template which defines all data/parameters/settings that are required to form a wfprov:WorkflowRun.

has super-classes

Object Properties

Object Properties

wfdesc:hasArtifactop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates a wfdesc:Parameter with an wfdesc:Artifact which can describe the artifact which would be used/generated on execution of the workflow.

has super-properties
  • owl:topObjectPropertyop
has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasDataLinkop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to specify the wfdesc:DataLink instances of a given workflow template.

has super-properties
  • owl:topObjectPropertyop
has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasInputop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property is used to specify the wfdesc:Input parameter of a given wfdesc:Process.

has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasOutputop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property is used to specify the wfdesc:Output parameter of a given wfdesc:Process.

has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasSinkop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to specify the wfdesc:Input parameter that acts as a sink from a given wfdesc:DataLink, consuming data from the link.

has super-properties
  • owl:topObjectPropertyop
has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasSourceop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property is used to specify the wfdesc:Output parameter that acts as a source to a given wfdesc:DataLink, providing data into the link.

has super-properties
  • owl:topObjectPropertyop
has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasSubProcessop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property is used to specify that the given workflow contains the given process as part of its definition.

Although not a requirement, such sub processes should have wfdesc:DataLink within the containing workflow connecting their parameters with parameters of the containing workflow, or with parameters other contained wfdesc:Process instances.

A specialialisation of sub process is wfdesc:hasSubWorkflow where the sub process is a nested wfdesc:Workflow.

has sub-properties
has domain
has range

wfdesc:hasSubWorkflowop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property is used to associate a workflow template to another workflow template, specifying that the given workflow has the given sub-workflow as a contained process.

This is a specialisation of hasProcessTemplate.

has super-properties
has domain
has range

Wfdesc Example

The example below illustrates a workflow wf1 that is composed of three processors :procA, :wf2 and :procC, which are connected in sequence using data links. :wf2 is a subworkflow that contains the process :procB.

@prefix wfdesc: <> .
:wf1 a wfdesc:WorkflowTemplate ;
  wfdesc:hasSubWorkflow :wf2 ;
  wfdesc:hasSubProcess :procA, :procC .

:procA a wfdesc:Process ;
  wfdesc:hasOutput :param1 .

:procC a wfdesc:Process ;
  wfdesc:hasInput :param2 ;
  wfdesc:hasOutput :param3 .

:wf2 a wfdesc:WorkflowTemplate ;
  wfdesc:hasInput :param4 ;
  wfdesc:hasOutput :param5 ;
  wfdesc:hasProcess :procB .

:procB a wfdesc:Process ;
  wfdesc:hasInput :param6 ;
  wfdesc:hasOutput :param7 .

:innerWorkflow wfdesc:hasDataLink
   [ wfdesc:hasSource :param4; wfdesc:hasSink :param6 ],
   [ wfdesc:hasSource :param7; wfdesc:hasSink :param5 ] .

:wf1 wfdesc:hasDataLink
  [ wfdesc:hasSource :param1; wfdesc:hasSink :param4 ],
  [ wfdesc:hasSource :param5; wfdesc:hasSink :param2 ] .

2.3 Workflow execution provenance (wfprov)

Provenance of workflow execution is described using the wfprov ontology, under namespace

The wfprov ontology describes the provenance of the workflow results. A wfprov:WorkflowRun describes the activity of running a wfdesc:WorkflowInstance. It groups the wfprov:ProcessRuns of the execution with the relationship wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun.

Each wfprov:ProcessRun represents a step of the workflow execution. It may have dependencies to different wfprov:Artifacts, which are modeled with the relationship wfprov:usedInput. Every result generated by one of the wfprov:ProcessRuns is linked by the relation wfprov:wasOutputFrom

Different wfprov:ProcessRuns may have been executed by different workflow engines. We can specify which one run each step with the wfprov:wasEnactedBy relationship.

Finally, we can link each wfprov:Artifact, wfprov:ProcessRun and wfprov:WorkflowRun to their correspondant wfdesc description by the wfprov:describedByParameter, wfprov:describedByProcess and wfprov:describedByWorkflow respectively.



wfprov:Artifactc back to ToC or Class ToC


An artifact is a data value or item which wfprov:wasOutputFrom of a wfprov:ProcessRun or that the process run used as input (wfprov:usedInput). Such an artifact might also be a ro:Resource if it has been aggregated in the ro:ResearchObject (typically if the artifact was used or generated by a wfprov:WorkflowRun) - but this might always not be the case for intermediate values from wfprov:ProcessRun.

is in domain of
wfprov:describedByParameterop, wfprov:wasOutputFromop
is in range of

wfprov:ProcessRunc back to ToC or Class ToC


A process run is a particular execution of a wfdesc:Process description (wfprov:describedByProcess), which can wfprov:usedInput some wfprov:Artifact instances, and produce new artifacts (wfprov:wasOutputFrom). A wfprov:WorkflowRun is a specialisation of this class.

has sub-classes
is in domain of
wfprov:describedByProcessop, wfprov:usedInputop, wfprov:wasEnactedByop, wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRunop
is in range of

wfprov:WorkflowEnginec back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow engine is an foaf:Agent that is responsible for enacting a workflow definition (which could be described in a wfdesc:Workflow). The result of workflow enactment gives rise to a wfprov:WorkflowRun.

has super-classes
  • foaf:Agentc
is in range of

wfprov:WorkflowRunc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow run is a wfprov:ProcessRun which have been enacted by a wfprov:WorkflowEngine, according to a workflow definition (which could be wfdesc:describedByWorkflow a wfdesc:Workflow). Such a process typically contains several subprocesses (wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun) corresponding to wfdesc:Process descriptions

has super-classes
is in domain of
is in range of

Object Properties

Object Properties

wfprov:describedByParameterop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property is used to associate a wfprov:Artifact to the wfdesc:Parameter description.

has domain
has range
  • wfdesc:Parameterc

wfprov:describedByProcessop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This object property associate a wfprov:Processrun to its wfdesc:Process description .

has sub-properties
has domain
has range
  • wfdesc:Processc

wfprov:describedByWorkflowop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property associates a wfprov:WorkflowRun to its corresponding wfdesc:Workflow description.

has super-properties
has domain
has range
  • wfdesc:Workflowc

wfprov:usedInputop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property specifies that a wfprov:ProcessRun used an wfprov:Artifact as an input

has domain
has range

wfprov:wasEnactedByop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


wfprov:wasEnactedBy associates a wfprov:ProcessRun with a wfprov:WorkflowEngine, specifying that the execution of the process was enacted by the engine.

has domain
has range

wfprov:wasOutputFromop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property specifies that a wfprov:Artifact was generated as an output from a wfprov:ProcessRun

has domain
has range

wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRunop back to ToC or Object Property ToC


This property specifies that a wfprov:ProcessRun was executed as part of a wfprov:WorkflowRun. This typically corresponds to wfdesc:hasSubProcess in the workflow description.

has domain
has range

Wfprov Example

The example below illustrates a workflow execution we1 that was composed of two processes :proc1 and :proc2. The output of :proc1 (:o1) is the input used by :proc2. Both processes are described by a wfdesc:Process

@prefix wfprov: <> .

  :wf1 a wfprov:WorkflowRun ;
  wfprov:describedByWorkflow :wfTempl;
  wfprov:wasEnactedBy :Taverna.
 #Additional metadata about the workflow run could be added here: start time, end time, whether it has bees successful, etc.  

:proc1 a wfprov:ProcessRun ;
  wfprov:usedInput :i1 ;
  wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun :wf1;
  wfprov:describedByProcess :templProcess1.

:proc2 a wfprov:ProcessRun ;
  wfprov:usedIntput :o1 ;
  wfprov:wasPartOfWorkflowRun :wf1;
  wfprov:describedByProcess :templProcess2 .

:i1 a wfprov:Artifact;
    wfprov:describedByParameter :param1.
:o1 a wfprov:Artifact;
    wfprov:wasOutputFrom :proc1;
	wfprov:describedByParameter :param2.
:o2 a wfprov:Artifact;
    wfprov:wasOutputFrom :proc2;
	wfprov:describedByparameter :param3.
#wfdesc:parameters and templates have been omitted to leave the example as simple as possible.

2.4 Wf4Ever-specific extensions (wf4ever)

The wf4ever ontology specifies extensions that specific to Wf4Ever, and probably not as liable for reuse as the previous ontologies. This ontology imports all the other ontologies described on this page, and so can also be used to get a complete picture of all the Wf4Ever ontologies. The namespace is



wf4ever:Datasetc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
  • ns:Artifactc

wf4ever:Documentc back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
  • ns:Artifactc

wf4ever:Filec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
  • ns:Artifactc

wf4ever:Imagec back to ToC or Class ToC


has super-classes
  • ns:Artifactc

wf4ever:WebServiceProcessTemplatec back to ToC or Class ToC


WebServiceProcess is a wfdesc:Process description, the enactment of which gives rise to a web service call.

has super-classes
  • wfdesc:Processc

wf4ever:WorkflowResearchObjectc back to ToC or Class ToC


A workflow research object is a research object that contains at least one workflow description.

is equivalent to
  • ro:ResearchObjectcand (terms:aggregatesopsome wfdesc:Workflowc)

2.4 Research object evolution (roevo)

The roevo ontology <> extends the ro ontology to capture the lifecycle and versioning of research objects using PROV-O.

2.5 Research object terms (roterms)

The roterms vocabulary <> defines some classes and properties that may be used with annotations on Research Objects and their resources, e.g. roterms:exampleValue, roterms:performsTask and roterms:Hypothesis.

3. Examples

3.1 Annotations and manifests

Here is an example research object containing a single workflow a_workflow.t2flow and an annotation which as been added by a software agent.

@base <../> .
@prefix ro: <> .
@prefix ao: <> .
@prefix ore: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix rdfg: <> .

<.> a ro:ResearchObject, ore:Aggregation ;
    ore:aggregates <a_workflow.t2flow>, :ann1 ;
    dct:created "2011-12-02T15:01:10Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator [ a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Stian Soiland-Reyes" ] .

<a_workflow.t2flow> a ro:Resource .

:proxy1 a ro:Proxy ;
    ore:proxyFor <a_workflow.t2flow> ;
    ore:proxyIn <.> ;
    dct:created "2011-12-02T15:02:10Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator [ a foaf:Person; foaf:name "Stian Soiland-Reyes" ] .

:ann1 a ro:Annotation, ro:SemanticAnnotation ;
    ao:body <.ro/ann1> ;
    ao:annotatesResource <a_workflow.t2flow>, <.> ;
    dct:created "2011-12-02T15:02:13Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator [ a foaf:Agent ; foaf:name "t2flow workflow annotation extractor" ] .

<.ro/ann1> a rdfg:Graph ;
    dct:created "2010-05-14T12:02:12Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Marco Roos" ] .

Here we can see that Stian has made a research object at 15:01:10, and at 15:02:10 he added <a_workflow.t2flow> to the research object. Note that in this case we do not have informatio about when <a_workflow.t2flow> was created or by whom. The research object also aggregates an annotation :ann1. This annotation was created by "t2flow workflow annotation extractor" a few seconds after Stian added <a_workflow.t2flow> and is an annotation on the aggregated resource. We are also told that the content of annotation <.ro/ann1> was created by Marco more than a year earlier. The original annotation by Marco was found inside the t2flow by the extractor.

This example serves to illustrate that annotations can be made on both the entire RO and resources aggregated within it.

Resolving the annotation body gives:

@base <../> .
@prefix ro: <> .
@prefix wfdesc: <> .
@prefix wf4ever: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix ao: <> .
@prefix dct: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .

<.> a wf4ever:WorkflowResearchObject .

<a_workflow.t2flow> a wfdesc:Workflow ;
    wfdesc:hasInput :in1 ;
    wfdesc:hasOutput :out1 ;
    wfdesc:hasDataLink [
        wfdesc:hasSource :in1 ;
        wfdesc:hasSink :out1 ;
    ] ;
    dct:title "A workflow" ;
    dct:description "A workflow that directly outputs its only input" ;
    dct:created "2010-05-14T12:02:12Z"^^xsd:dateTime ;
    dct:creator [ a foaf:Person ; foaf:name "Marco Roos" ] .

:in1 dct:description "Any value" .
:out1 dct:description "The value given to in1" .

Inside the annotation body, which we have been told was done by Marco, we find an abstract version of the .t2flow workflow (using the wfdesc ontology) which has been extracted by the agent. This reveals some workflow annotations done by Marco in 2010; title and description on the workflow, and descriptions for the input and output ports.

3.2 Astronomy RO Example

This example comes from a use case that deals with large sets of tabular data (catalogues of numbers) curated by the user. The data are calculated by means of mathematical equations based on experimental values coming from external data repositories. Updating of the external data repositories has an impact on the curation of the user dataset, it is essential to know how (in which quantity) and when these databases are updated, so that the propagation of these changes through the existing internal relation among the data can be triggered and registered.

The scientific experiment represented by this research object pertains to the multi-wavelength study for a sample of the most isolated galaxies in the local universe. This study characterizes each galaxy of this sample through both the measurement of basic astrophysical properties:
  • The equatorial coordinates in J2000 epoch
  • The velocities in km/s (v)
  • The dust extinction coefficient (ag)
  • The axis ratio of the isophote 25 mag/arcsec2 (logr25)
  • The apparent total B magnitude (BT)
  • The morphological type (t)
and the calculation of the more complex properties:
  • The distance in Mega parsecs (D)
  • The corrected apparent B magnitude (btc)
  • The optical luminosity in B-band (LB)

Specifically, this research object is focused on the calculation of the intrinsic luminosity in the Johnson B-band, in order to achieve it the measurement or calculation of all those astrophysical properties is needed.

This research object consists of several resources, including workflows, input and output datasets, scripts, web services and other documents. The type and role of each of these resources (by their relative name) are as follows:

  • Workflows
    • Gathering (gathering_galaxy_properties_using_hyperleda_129473)
      • Web Services
      • Datasets
        • Input
          • NamesLEDA.txt
        • Output
          • agNew,txt
          • btNew.txt
          • j2000Coords.txt
          • logr25New.txt
          • velocitiesNew.txt
      • Scripts
    • Propagation (calculating_the_total_luminosity_of_a_galaxy_using_properties_from_text_files_608870)
      • Datasets
        • Input
          • agNew,txt
          • btNew.txt
          • j2000Coords.txt
          • logr25New.txt
          • morphoNew.txt
          • velocitiesNew.txt
        • Output
          • btcNew.txt
          • distancesNew.txt
          • lbNew.txt
      • Scripts
    • Comparing_update (comparison_and_update_values_475535)
      • Datasets
        • Input
          • lbNew.txt
          • lbOld.txt
        • Output
          • diff_lb.txt
          • lb.sql
      • Scripts
  • Documents
    • Used by the RO (Papers that have inspired the development of this RO or some of its componets)
      • D1.2.pdf
      • D2.1.pdf
      • D3.1.pdf
      • D4.1.pdf
      • D5.1.pdf
      • Paturel.pdf (related with gathering Wf)
      • Vauglin.pdf (related with gathering Wf)
      • Ruiz.pdf
    • Produced by the RO (Papers that have made use of this RO or some of its components)
      • D5.3v1_1.0.pdf
      • ColorsAA.pdf
    • General (documents and notes related to the whole RO)
      • CONTENT.txt
      • README.txt
      • RECIPES.txt

RDF RO Representation

Here we provide snippets of RDF illustrating particular aspects of the RO description. These snippets are all taken from the RO manifest.

Manifest description. This asserts the type of the manifest, the fact that it describes the RO in question, and also includes information about the creator of the manifest (the RODL service).
    dct:created "2012-02-01T09:33:56.923Z"^^<> ;
    dct:creator [
        a <> ;
        foaf:name "RODL"
    ] ;
    ore:describes <> ;
    a <> .

The following snippet captures the basic aggregation of resources within the RO.

    dct:created "2012-02-01T09:33:56.832Z"^^<> ;
    dct:creator <> ;
    ore:isDescribedBy <> ;
    a <> ;

    ore:aggregates <>,
      <> .

An annotation expressing creation metadata. Jose Enrique Luiz created resources GoldenTrace.txt.

    ao:body <> ;
    dct:created "2012-02-01T09:37:23.662Z"^^<> ;
    dct:creator _:A0 ;
    ao:annotatesResource <> ;
    a ao:Annotation .

    ao:body <> ;
    dct:created "2012-02-01T09:37:23.662Z"^^<> ;
    dct:creator _:A0 ;
    ao:annotatesResource <> ;
    a ao:Annotation .

    a <> ;
    foaf:name "Jose Enrique Ruiz" .

Finally, we have annotations that describe the fact that a particular workflow run made use of data sets to produce some results.

    a <> .

    wfprov:describedByWorkflow <> ;
    wfprov:usedInput <> ;
    a <> .

    a <> .

    wfprov:wasOutputFrom <> ;
    a <> .

    wfprov:wasOutputFrom <> ;
    a <> .

    a <> .

    a <> .

    wfdesc:hasSubProcess <>, <>, <> ;
    a <> .

    wfprov:wasOutputFrom <> ;
    a <> .

    wfprov:wasOutputFrom <> ;
    a <> .

    wfprov:wasOutputFrom <> ;
    a <> .

4. OWL versions

The v0.1 RO ontologies can be found on github as OWL/Turtle format:

Note on namespaces:

A. References

A.1 Normative references

No normative references.

A.2 Informative references

Paolo Ciccarese. The Annotation Ontology URL:
Sean Bechhofer et. al.Linked Data is Not Enough for Scientists, Future Generation Computer Systems, DOI: 201110.1016/j.future.2011.08.004
Executable Papers Grand Challenge. URL:
Phil Bourne, Tim Clark et. al. Improving Future Research Communication and e-Scholarship. FORCE11 Manifesto. URL:
Jane Hunter Scientific Publication Packages: A Selective Approach to the Communication and Archival of Scientific Output. International Journal of Digital Curation, Vol. 1, 2006 URL:
Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse and Exchange. ORE Specifications and User Guides. URL: